Welcome to my shop! Take a look around! :)



My name is Mira, and I love making art with my online community.

I started my YouTube channel in 2014 and have been regularly sharing my creative side with the world ever since. My viewers have become what I call my "art family," and my goal is to encourage all of them to set aside that nasty fear of failure we all have inside and be creative with me.

What started as a series of simple videos has turned into my own small business, and I do this full-time (or at least as full-time as a mom of twin toddlers can). I now have my own studio in a spare bedroom, a packing and shipping station in my basement, and this website to sell my creations!

I am truly blessed to love what I do, and I'm grateful you took the time to stop by. 

Love, Mira

Want to check out the art family?

Have a peek at my studio and some recent creations in this video from Spring 2023